

2022-08-21 入りましたGlobal




  • Bolo_Johnson
    Bolo_Johnson12 days ago

    When are you going back to writing alien evolution system, I really miss that web novel it was so perfect, also I read this novel, it's good but not my cup of tea as this story have been done a lot as well

  • Bolo_Johnson
    Bolo_Johnson24 days ago

    If you ever decide to write a different web novel after this one how about a parody about Spawn from (image comics) and with all his demonic powers transported into a cultivation world and Spawn has to find a way back while looking at this world while the cultivators considered Spawn a anomaly mostly because of his powers

  • Bolo_Johnson
    Bolo_Johnsona month ago

    Does the MC really keep dating that yandere girl who would even believe tho whole love at first sight thing if this is real life I would just call the police and might turn asexual, still good story I guess

  • Bolo_Johnson
    Bolo_Johnsona month ago
    に返信 brother_pheonix

    Is the MC a villain because I really don't get the idea of an MC turns into a monster/skeleton and and not act like it, even if they still have there past memories why not just run wild Also I saw the tag does it really have romance, if so WHY, I think that whole stuff is done to death especially if they make it a destiny kind of thing also please no harem

  • Bolo_Johnson
    Bolo_Johnsona month ago

    I mean the story is good so far but I'm not gonna lie I'm on the verge of dropping this because up until the previous arc I really love the idea of the undead empire conquering worlds and being smart and stuff but recently aside from the MC Loimos everything else is just meh and a bit cliche, the undeads are starting to act no different from the living, they along with the living they kill to have children just like the living, undeads acting diplomatic (I don't mind if they find other undeads to do that but for the other livings I don't know), there not the undeads where I thought they supposed to act and I swear if there's is an ability to where the undead empire can have skin again and make them no different then the livings even though the undead are now capable of having children which irks me then what's even the point of it all and the only reason I decided to keep reading this in the first place is because of the MC I hope he doesn't change

  • Bolo_Johnson
    Bolo_Johnsona month ago

    When is Ronald going to be able to be himself and tell the heroines he's no interest in them

  • Bolo_Johnson
    Bolo_Johnsona month ago
    に返信 Dere_Isaac

    Worthy of a story being compared to Warhammer 40k or gears of war in terms of dark setting and I love that the MC still remains the same and NOT being cliche

  • Bolo_Johnson
    Bolo_Johnson2 months ago

    I really don't like this arc all there talking about is marriage and sex which is weird considering the stories is about undeads conquering realms but you sometimes hardly forget they are undeads if they hadn't mentioned it and there not threatening as they was back then and acting so cliche If it wasn't for my love for the MC loimos and what happens next I probably would drop this

  • Bolo_Johnson
    Bolo_Johnson2 months ago
    に返信 Ready_

    I really love your story it's too bad the other skeleton novel called the ruined death knight and it's still on hiatus so I'm waiting for that novel to come back but this novel really good too, well at least from the beginning I'm more interested to see the MC being ruthless, conquering worlds, and not give fucks towards livings unless there useful, it feels like the MC despite being undead melode out a bit

  • Bolo_Johnson
    Bolo_Johnson2 months ago

    Good so loimos doesn't have to create a cliche harem/romance also is it just me but I feel like throughout the chapters the MC isn't acting like a monster or is ruthless like he usually is at the beginning of that story I miss that and when are we going to have a big story where it's going to be a gigantic all out war against the undead empire like similar to Warhammer 40k universe, imagine what's left of the living or more livings banding together against the undead empire and launch a full scale assault on them