

2022-07-29 入りましたAustralia






  • JBShelly
    JBShelly2 years ago

    Ok, I'll start this review by clarifying a few things. I do not like Isekai; no disrespect to the genre, or those who enjoy it, its just not my thing. HOWEVER I really enjoyed this. I know it's short at the moment, but I was engrossed in what little was available. I loved the prologue (honestly I think it's one of my favourites on this site). I chuckled, I chortled, I even giggled a bit, it was a fantastic introduction. The quality of the writing was excellent, with minimal mistakes, good subtext and a good transition of dialogue. I was frankly impressed with how easily it flowed from paragraph to paragraph. It was (mostly) seamless. I gave the character design 4 stars PURELY because I'm just not a huge fan of the "has minimal flaw, epic man" trope. But I do have a feeling that as the story develops, flaws will become a bit more obvious, and his development will be a bit more pronounced. I'd love to be able to read it again in a few months after a few more chapters are released; The author has talent, and I do believe this story deserves more love.

  • JBShelly
    JBShelly2 years ago

    I'm not going to lie. I genuinely thought you posted this as a mistake, for a second I thought it was an English assignment or something. But what's weirder is I really enjoyed it, I was engrossed and eager to read it. I have zero clue why, I've never been one for essays. But then I saw the notes, and it all clicked, and I had a really good chuckle. I literally said out loud, "Hah, that was funny". I liked the quote, made me giggle. Overall it was a great analysis of Animal Farm too.