Y'all down here chill. It's just world-building
Dude chill, you talking like you have absolute control over your emotions
Too many flowery or complicated words break the flow of reading. But I can bear with this level
You're comment reminded me of this
Yeah, people complain when they are not spoon-fed by the author,
Ah, yes, like buying or renting land doesn't need money, not to mention the price of seeds for berries wouldn't be any cheaper, and then you would have to take care of them, and what if a wild crazy strong Pokemon enters and destroys your berry farm, then what are you gonna do?
Short for OverPowered
Yeah, but there is something known as *Pride*.
I am loving him, why are there only a few novels with this kind of MC
Oh, nvm, I take back my words. It's different from normal regression