It’s like i can’t looked at sis Lin the same no more it feels so weird now. She alil too serious about it. That’s the scary part. Thankfully she not as bad as those jerks at school. 👀👀
1st off thanks for the update. 2nd f ing wow did not see that coming at all. 3rd celesta ( I’m probably not spelling it rite but bare with me) protectiveness is fina go into overdrive. If she don’t try to kill here 1st js
I’m not sure she was taking about y’all future together….. buuuuuut more like her future with another special someone
Cool now she has her own little fan club
Love this. It reminds me of wen I’m babysitting. I say “Auntie Mode activated” in the automated voice
Wow this is getting crazy, but i like it
Did not see that coming
Carene she needs u inside her to help calm her raging desires.
Hmmmm i wonder wat other secrets their hiding at that school 🤔🤔