Thanks for update. Cant waits to see the fight between lory and this saintess who try imitating lory.
oh, no I thought li xin can immediately kill that creature with one shoot kill
Good luck on your work her majesty’s 😆
I don’t believe she can’t do something with her scar. Her mentor or sheng xiao should have some medicine for fix her scar
I think between gifted or qi when people have basic knowledge how this extraordinary power worked, their life will be easy. They just only need to choose how they want use it, for bad or good. Li xin found how to control it from knowledge he found on underground, that’s why he become expert on his world and he can teach it to his king palace and subordinate Btw I wonder where lory and li xin will living after all problems in Harland solved. Did they will keep stay on Harland or going back where empress Ming and other lived?
I never bored reads story written by this author. Story development, character design and world background author created it very well. Writing quality I hope author can do double check before publish her story and have fixed schedule or at least let her reader know how many update she will do every week. I hope authors will make improvements later, maybe when this story finish author will do massively editing her story from beginning until end. From translation, repeat same sentence over and over again, etc. Overall good job author. Thank you for published interesting story to reads. Waiting how this story will coming to end ☺️
Nope, I don’t think what happen with huang zi feng and li xin same with Lucas and that poor boy. Wonder what happen with poor boy who always challenges Lucas now. Did he still alive after dark ages
Wonder how zhao mu fan can become crown prince🤦
There will always another positive thing you can take more than running to consume bad thing
Which manor and wealth emperors want confiscated from li xin? Did all manor and wealth owned by li xin self