


I'm a reader like you, but I wanted to write my own novel that's inspired by a bunch of LN's, yet still original. I'm open to criticism, hopefully, you enjoy my work as much as I do. Have a nice day

2022-06-30 入りましたUnited States






  • MrMIST
    MrMIST2 years ago
    に返信 Armand_Targaryen

    Wow, that's some great praise I didn't expect to receive today, thanks. I was planning to update the magic system, so I could use some other references, I'll have to check it out! Have a great day

  • MrMIST
    MrMIST2 years ago
    に返信 NecroFan

    Hello there, Thanks for your insight, I have no clue whether you'll ever read this, but let me thank you for your review, I know that the system was pretty loose at times, so I'll try to improve on that. My ability to write comes from a bit of studying and a handy dandy tool that highlights most of my obvious mistakes (though it can't do everything), though I'm trying my best to not repeat the same ones again. All in all, thanks and have a nice day ;)

  • MrMIST
    MrMIST2 years ago
    に返信 Abayomi_Atoyegbe

    I appreciate your comment, though you might be praising me a little too much. Still, thank you, you didn't have to write this, yet you took the time out of your day to tell me, a random amateur writer, this. Thank you, really

  • MrMIST
    MrMIST2 years ago
    に返信 InHisName

    Hello there, sorry I'm so late with responding, I took quite a long break. First impression, yeah, you're right, absolutely. I can't really argue with your viewpoint of villains. Still, I want to write the MC as how I imagine it, not forcing him into a certain character type. I have no idea if you'll ever read this, but thank you. Truly. I'm bad with criticism, but at least you bring a foundation and good arguments. Makes it a lot easier to deal with and let it flow into the story. I have a few ideas on how to proceed and I'll try to make it as interesting as I can. As always. Have a great day

  • MrMIST
    MrMIST2 years ago
    に返信 InHisName

    I know, there are a lot of things that I'm also not that happy with, but hey, it was a pretty decent attempt. I'm not an author, just some dude with a bit of inspiration, but I'm glad to see some opinions otherwise I wouldn't know what to do. Thanks to you I've gotten rid of some future chapters where he lived peacefully, removed and changed into something more cold. Thanks for the feedback btw

  • MrMIST
    MrMIST2 years ago
    に返信 InHisName

    He was just a kid though, I do want to create a villainous character, but I felt like I needed to show some form of growth. If he was immediately a perfect scheming villain, it wouldn't make that much sense to me. I don't want him to be the next generic demon lord without any reasons for killing you know, but thank you for your feedback

  • MrMIST
    MrMIST2 years ago
    に返信 lord_of_all_realm_

    I toned it down a bit, I didn't realize it was so long

  • MrMIST
    MrMIST2 years ago
    に返信 Aaron_Aguilera_2568

    I hope you keep enjoying it because there's a lot more to come.