Greetings, dear readers! I'm Saiki Kusu, a fanfiction enthusiast on a quest to reimagine beloved worlds through my unique lens. P.@TRE0N :
i'm getting chatgpt vibes here
damn it, dragon ball shit again, the author didn't watch anything other than dragon ball?
damn it, he won't even spare Bell! RIP Bell
Please don't say it; I feel guilty lol. Thank you for your patience!
*crying bitterly* yeah, based on my non existent experience dealing with girls in my dreams, i agree with you!
you need to seek an exorcist bro, that's a devil possessing your soul.
nah i think it's not the right time to use the advanced chapters method in order to earn some insignificant money, wait until at least 100 person got hooked then i'll use it, i was reckless and full of desire to earn money because of some insecurities when i did it previously, but now I'll take my time until the right moment comes.
U r spitting facts
it's time to say goodbye...goodbye goodbye...goodbye goodbye...goodbye goodbye...goodbye goodbye...
i hadn't read the latest manga chapters, i stopped at the fight in that floating island against shigaraki