Thanks for the chapter, The Bolt of Gransax but I think the relic sword is a good one to start with and the tree seal too. I also thought it was Beorn from the description hahahah I can't wait for the new member to arrive.
Thanks for the chapter, it's amazing as expected
Miquella The Kind My brother will keep his promise. He possesses the wisdom, the wonder, of a god - he is the most fearsome Empyrean of all." - Malenia Miquella the Kind... is a monster. Pure and radiant, he wields love to purify the hearts of men. There is nothing more terrifying." - Sir Ansbach I will start playing tomorrow
Miquella may be a little taller than the dwarves, Miquella's essence is at his height hehehehe, if the MC starts with the Bolt of Gransax I won't ask for anything else
🤔I think it's about the baby, it was kind of heavy
Moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Mc: A femboy at my door? Is it my birthday?
nice chapter
Nice chapter
ht tp s:/ /el de n ring.w iki.fe xtral ife.c om/ Miquella Author, take a look at this link, it tells about Miquella. I was researching about it. I don't know anything about Elden Ring. I only saw the game on YouTube. It really has a captivating story. I got hooked on it. From what I saw, Miquella has the Needle Knights, with Needle Knight Leda being the most loyal and the only one left alive. I really liked the story of the female knight Finlay, who carried Malenia across the entire Elden Ring map on her back while she was soloing everyone, and placed Malenia next to the tree and finally died. 😭 Finlay, Leda, Rellana and Malenia are my favorites so far. Miquella created The Haligtree and Mohgwyn Palace, much like Dol Guldur in the Hobbit's Mirkwood. MC can separate from Thorin and the entourage and dominate Dol Guldur and rebuild her kingdom, then reappear when Smaug starts attacking.