Thanks. Your story is great, the plot and things. And Hirochi is very brave, enough to poison his mind thinking he can save everyone without external help.
Great novel, the start is good and the pacing is just right. Highly recommended.
Hahahahaha... that's funny.
I thought his promise was to get help from someone? hmm... maybe I didn't understand the sentence right.
It's a great read and would invoke curiosity to its readers. The pacing is not that fast but still not that boring. So, I highly recommend this to people with high enough patience.
Well, he's way too calm even after experiencing things that were out of this world.
There's not much for me to, just some concern about the MC's system. When I think about it, there's no need for the MC to work hard, he can just invest and invest then he'll get 10x rebate. That's why I'm hoping for the author to give a proper limitation its benefits. Moreover, in perspective, not all people are that easygoing. That they would help someone just by knowing their name or something, but I might be wrong. Maybe there's some hidden agenda or whatnot. Anyway, it's a good read.
I'll use that $300,000 to renovate the place to become big, buy another loads of supplies, and the next thing I'll see will be my bank account having $3,000,000. Easy life.