I like fighting games
In the last chapter, the general public had their memories wiped, setting the stage for future developments involving Dr. Doom and showing that Noah in Japan atm. Now, this chapter reveals that Psyche is missing, and Noah is undergoing significant changes both physically and mentally. Additionally, Noah gets kicked out, marking the true beginning to him interacting with the rest of the world. He is free to do whatever he want, such as. Building an entertainment empire with all the knowledge from his past live. Opening his own shop where people can pay him to solve their problems. Or just simply fly around the earth and be a menace to everybody. The sky's the limit after all. Also lets not forget that we’ve just wrapped up an extended, intense battle that spanned several chapters. These next few chapters serves as a cooldown period, where we lay the groundwork for the upcoming story arcs. Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.
Or he just being Lonely
taking a break for a bit
taking a break
in what part he revealed his secret? The mc is just playing on The ancient one sense of duty as protector by telling her he is a time bomb that could nuke half of existence if he lost control. And lets no forget that this a Cannon way of the saiyans and how they deal with complicated stuff outside their understanding, they ask for help and seek knowledge for someone . At the start of dragon ball they used to use the dragon balls or ask Master Roshi. In Z they seek Kami , Dendi and King ki. In super they will reach out to Whis and Beerus The point is saiyans will always seek Wisemans in times when they can't figure out how to proceed forward So tell me what will a half crazed Human in the body of Saiyan with detroeting psyche would do when the most knowledgeable Magic caster in Marvel appear in front of him? He will try to play on her sense of duty as the guardian of Earth and it people by mentioning that he was a human once. He could even strike a deal with her so that in exchange for helping him he will help around in Earth giving the Mc chance to interact with the hero and villains of Earth and such and making the story branch out to include them in the MC story. But nah bro, the MC slightly broke the fourth wall and said something even Goku would have said if he were in his shoes and barely mentioned his secrets, so this story is trash now, bye bye author is bad me drop hrrr hrrr.
the good old days of golden boy to bad the anime only had few episodes
Nah, Mc cant be injured by that level of power .