with great power comes great sacrifice ðª
Durability: Once mysterium sets (cools below 200 Kelvin), its strength and durability is superior to true adamantium, as it can block blows from and shatter it.[19] Captain Marvel cannot bend it.[16] Conductivity: Mysterium conducts electricity at 100% efficiency. However, unlike other metals, mysterium barely conducts or retains heat. Additionally, mysterium is radiation-proof.[5] Magnetic Properties[5] Magical Properties: Mysterium resonates with magic.[4][10][9] Anti-Magic: It is revealed that mysterium can also negate the effects of magic. It was even able to negate a Faltine-possessed Ego the Living Planet.[10] A bullet made of mysterium prevented Selene from magically guarding herself.[21] Touching mysterium instantly breaks spells.[14] Sorcerers are vulnerable while touching it and mysterium can free people from possession.[15] Doctor Strange's spells do not work on it and he is unable to move it with magic;[16] also, his connection to magic is severed if he is stabbed by it.[22] Immunity to the Spider-Sense: Spider-Man's Spider-Se
how did he now. that stupid. he just arrived 2 days ago. maybe Galactus didn't Arrive yet
interesting system.
sigh let's hope this gets fixed later
WWZ has just fast zombies unlike regular zombie movies. bro thinks he is in easy mode when he enters infernal mode right away.
can't you just use ppl or enemy not things
U love women
every school student from elementary to high school agrees with that