author why did you stop updating 😭😭? plz give updates
author plzz update ml and fl are finally starting to know each other 😭
no aziel is mother queen vizier
it's a slow romance but you won't feel frustrated you will anticipate what the ml will do. the fl is so capable and independent I like the story background too it's like watching a k drama in which we anticipate when the lead actors will kiss 😘👍
I think Gabrielle maybe Anna's brother who wasn't born yet when they were captured
love the ml how can their interactions be so cute and fl is strong and intelligent despite the difficulties she faced and its love at first sight for our ml wolf
it's my first time reading sci fi genre and honestly loved the story and the concept is so new the .chemistry between ml and fl is amazing and fl is awesome and strong plzzz continue with the novel and again Loved it
really happy to see authors new book if u are looking for a savvy fl ten this is ur cup of tea and love the MLs personality wish u luck 🤞
this is really nice novel love the character background story and how the fl is strong would love to see the interaction between ml and fl author plzzz continue updating [img=More pls]
i really hate this shi fengju can't he mind his own business he has to poke his nose everywhere and tell shen yiling