professional sexy bitch
thats hear beating yo sicko :()
3-4 years ago, my bad
dm me on telegram or reddit or WhatsApp, i shall provide chapters in text, along with major hints i laid for future plots, and other plots planned.
are you interested in 100 percent adopting it? or just writing with given plot points ? if 100 percent just give me a small credit and I hope you edit each chapter, just a five minute read for grammar and continue if you are only interested in writing with plot points received, i can share them, given some time. also if you want to 100 percent adopt it, I can provide each chapter text form, for you to reupload and then continue, after i have notified all of the news. for further contact tell me your telegram/reddit
nope, just used ano without any reason, felt like it
i had not watched fantastic beast yet, and did not want to use the muggle word as it was too repetitive so for originality i coined no-maj, without knowing it was used canonically too
idk if that comes under molag bal,it should be xiudia for skeletons and necromacy. molag bal is vampires exclusively
i truly have not time for completion at that time i was also an amateur writer hence my ideas were borderline fantastical like the valyrian steel midas touch for everything, for a ship, for a wall streching the neck and whatnot
I have exam, still love reading, hence when I just cannot take anymore of bullshit webnovels, or good webnovels updating slow, I reincarnate and write a fic