Tienes razón,por eso estoy reescribiendo las historias,asi que esta pendiente
Yes and Not
If they bleed, because even though they are androids they still have things from humans, android number 18 could have had a daughter for a reason.
Que tu no sepas del tema de otros animes no puedo hacer nada, además te digo que incluso existen animes donde hay personajes más fuertes que Zeno-Sama, así que tampoco creas que dragon ball es el top de nivel de poder. En cuanto al Slime es mucho más fuerte que Zeno.
A, entonces dame consejos para escribir, maestro de la literatura.
Haber,eso de Granola lo puse para que su existencia tenga sentido y no sea un Npc del montón,ya?.
Yes, of course there will be, but in the future since you know that this subject is given by Didactics, which Roland still does not know how to change his attitude.
It's literally just as you say, instead of talking they just faced death.
You're right, I see that the ancient Sith had a purpose to do things, but today they only want to satisfy their own desires using the dark side of the Force, nothing more.