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How did he know it’s edible hmm?
No slavery happening as the evil piece that the Mc take was some sort of beta version that is incomplete, it only turns his bloodline into a devil but that’s all. As for the 1 star review, I didn’t bother deleting them because why not? Reading them makes me happy.
I ain’t reading allat
I already made the announcement and answered the same question a few days ago but I already changed my publishings schedule and turned Saturday as part of my free time due to complex college schedule. 😞
What tools?
Maybe u just read the chapter too fast? 🤔
I haven’t watched the Merlin tv show yet haha~
Evil Pieces hasn’t been officially released to the public yet and the Anti-Satan faction made it so he won’t go off telling everyone that devils are capable of turning other races into devils. Doing so would make the Satan faction wary and force Ajuka to force humans to join their cause through evil pieces. Basically, turning other beings especially humans into slaves and that’s something he doesn’t want to happen.
Johann Georg Faust with a slight change in his story.