House of Lycans (After Dark)
Hallow Grove was a quiet and peaceful town until the enigmatic Lycan brothers, Lucian and Lucifer, descended upon it. Suddenly, death, chaos, and inexplicable disappearances become a daily occurrence. Alexandra, a young and ambitious journalist, is determined to uncover the truth behind the brothers' activities and puts herself in danger to do so.
Delving deeper into the investigation, Alexandra begins to realize that there is more to these brothers than meets the eye. Lucian, the brooding and intense brother, intrigues her with his quiet strength and aura of danger. Lucifer, on the other hand, is charming and charismatic, and Alexandra finds herself drawn to their magnetic personality.
Caught in a dangerous game of love and secrets can Alexandra navigate the complex relationship between the two brothers, each vying for her attention and affection while guarding their own hidden agendas and uncover the secrets behind the strange disappearances in Hallow Grove?
Drava_Don · ファンタジー