*it’s called being loyal. She is and isn’t loyal at the same time . It’s kind of hard to explain
*your husband is dead why do you need to be so hesitant
Tbh the story is alright and interesting however many mistakes were made when it comes to the grammatical aspects. Sometimes sentences either aren’t finished or there is the wrong usage of certain words or just misspellings. If you’re willing to look over this issue you may like this book. I recommend reading the first chapters and then deciding.
The Baby in the future:
The grammar and ever is really hard to understand. Many sentences don’t make any sense and throughout the story it doesn’t get any better. I wouldn’t recommend it due to the fact that it really gets confusing because of the author’s inability to write or translate correctly.
Please at least edit your chapters or have someone look over them because many sentences are really hard to understand and often don’t make any sense. In English that is.
Nice! Very desirable body👀