

2022-02-22 JoinedIndia



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    ULLMANthe1APOSTLEa year ago

    don't worry I got the authors'sback

    ULLMANthe1APOSTLEa year ago
    Replied to David_Drake

    well, who doesn't like talking and hearing to themselves and about me even seeing what I am writing than you should know that even if my English is little good but I have problems with punctuation marks so I am sorry if you find it unreadable.

    ULLMANthe1APOSTLEa year ago
    Replied to BeastNaBh

    Haha thanks you for your love and support and as for update I am currently writing it so it'll be up on platform before 6:00PM (Indian time) and as i have already told before I am new to this so I can only write 1 chapter a day and max 2 chapters a day but when I'll get used to typing fast i start mass release so please 🙏 support me and I also have to spell check and proofread to find any mistakes so it takes time so please be patience comment if you find any mistakes that'll be huge help

    ULLMANthe1APOSTLEa year ago

    mc image after rebirth

    ULLMANthe1APOSTLEa year ago

    Hey, I'm sorry author but I am dropping this because this story looks to forced I don't know it's either because of the story line or because is the vocabulary but the story seems forced to me like it's moving without any Syntex so I am dropping this and don't worry I will come again when this story will be re-edited so see you till then

    ULLMANthe1APOSTLEa year ago

    Well, the story till now was very eye-catching and was great to read the concept of not being a normal mob but a mafia mob who is not free but heavily restricted from the start is also new. And as I see it this story have tremendous amount of capaycity to grow, and i don't know about the future but till now the explaining of the characters and their side story did not make me feel like that the story is detached from the mc because in most story when showing side character story they detached themselves from the main story frame. The grammar is good 👍. Story devlopment till now was also good. But I did think that the chapters are a bit small but the update stability is fare so Idk. If you haven't decided upon reading this than give it a try.

    ULLMANthe1APOSTLEa year ago

    Well let's talk about the story devlopment, the author used the timeline very perfectly to match and develop the story. Secondly is the grammar which I think is so much better and you will not find any problem reading it I mean there was a there was once a time where he repeated a name two times but otherwise there is not major problem with grammar part. And up until now the update stability is also good and honestly I liked that asteroid in the shape of truck that was honestly good 👍 and the world choice is perfect I mean there is everything you need to learn in goblin Slayer for an upcoming adventurer and also to introduce the mc to the dark side of the world and that's why I think goblin Slayer is a perfect choice for the 1st world.keep it up author-San and give us chapter

    ULLMANthe1APOSTLEa year ago
    Replied to Yuri_is_Ntr

    Hey man why you said so I mean the author did said that this story is just starting and soon new ark will be introduced so don't just kill your hopes because it's a wonderful story until now and will continue to be so in future i hope and thanks to author i came to know this wonderful song named "bonds" by Yasuhara Takanadhi and as i am more of a novel guy i have not watched boruto as everyone was saying it's trashy so i came to learn about this masterpiece is all ready good enough for me and keep your hopes up man who knows what the author has stored for us in future.

    ULLMANthe1APOSTLEa year ago
    Replied to Flaiver

    Well i was also like you but after continuing to read every chapter i came to love this fanfic so do give it a try