I love this romantic story. In addition to an interesting story idea, the characters are also strong. Let's update again, author 💪💪💪💪💪😍😍
Good story 👍👍👍👍👍and I think the characters in this story are very interesting. Please update again, author. Curious about the next chapter 😍😍😍😍 💪💪
Wah, this story is has a very interesting story idea. I think, each character and place is clearly depicted. Curious about the end of Aji journey and adventure. Waiting for the next chapter, author 💪😊
Rex the arrogant and cold man and Dilli the sweet and friendly, Which one will Biyan choose? this story is very interesting plot, make curious every chapter 😍😍
bener bener janda high quality sih si Lessya ini. jadi incaran banyak pria. Tapi aku paling baper sama Robby. Walaupun bandel kayaknya tulus gitu ke Lessya Good job buat authornya, aku terhanyut sama alur ceritanya. betah dan buat ketagihan pas bacanya 😍
taubat ya Mas hahaha
Robby si rusuh tapi bikin gemas kelakuannya
Aku makin terhanyut sama alur ceritanya. Ide cerita yg fresh ini bikin betah buat baca setiap partnya. Pertemuan Naya dan Seno menjadi warna tersendiri pas baca cerita ini. entahlah aku mesem2 sendiri pas baca kebersamaan Seno sama Naya. Apalagi Seno yg mulai kesengsem sama Naya 😍
aduh aduh Seno klepek2 kan Lo sama Naya haha
Serem amat sih, baru pembukaan ajah udah dibuat terbawa sama karakter si prianya yg kejam itu. Penasaran deh, itu nasib dua wanitanya gimana? ayo up lagi dong, bacanya gak kerasa banget. Seru ceritanya, aku suka 🤗