Glad someone started translating this I read a portion of the original but my Russian isn't great and Google translate is horrendous, looking forwards to updates, last translator dropped at Ch 16.
MC, younger wealthy and disobedient, she called him puppy for a reason
Oh yikes those two are about to get merked. And if it's not by Horizon its gonna be a certain Law Matani visiting with some friends in suits.
Honestly disappointed but will see where this goes.
Could have just written random stuff in Russian it's pretty much what True Creator does
Considering what happened to those guys at the restaurant I think he knows more than he let's on, he is to paranoid for that
Finally, most TK fics I've seen always go for massive force pushes or shows of weight control to represent power increase. TK could be so much more useful with precision imo, just turn a vertebrae into dust or force induce an aneurysm. Would take much less effort.
Honestly, it's quite good. The merger between your original creation and DxD is done quite organically, and the AU approach you have taken for devil society and general development is a breath of fresh air. Only comment I have is about the moment between Grayfia and Sirzechs, Richter in my taste reacted to softly, losing like 5, 10 affection and reconciling after 2 Ch in a situation that should have affected him alot more considering the past issues you have given him as well as the promises Grayfia made. Although the talk you did with her mother was great for Grayfias character development and self reflection, it shouldn't have been the catalyst to him forgiving her, Introspection isn't an excuse for actions that affect others. I guess we will see what you do with the second meeting. Altogether , fic I'm looking forward to seeing updates from you. Keep up the good work.
2400 mistype
Loved ur approach on relationships, especially in silverfire, compared to the usually lemon focused content u find on here u always manage to make those soft scenes that make me feel all mushy