


apologetically capricious. my older reviews may have excessively generous scores

2022-01-15 入りましたGlobal







  • Rhongomynaid
    に返信 Slik_lvl

    russia, china, north korea and iran are the new axis of evil, it'll get more obvious as time goes on. this is a lot of mental gymnastics to justify an invasion on a country unprovoked, a lot of the stuff you're saying is honestly crazy people talk because you've really bought into a narrative. i don't mean this insultingly, but addressing your comment is beyond herculean, you need a shift in fundamental worldview not a counter argument because all your information is coming from states that jails you for criticism. i'm deeply disturbed that you actually believe this... please read 1984 or at least animal farm. if those books are even allowed wherever you are. i'm saying this out of love, please give those books a chance. i'm not giving my support to the west mindlessly, i'll never forget that America secretly pardoned and gave stipends to Unit 731 who I firmly believe were the most evil people active in that war, and perhaps the most evil people to ever live. henry kissinger should have been shot for his crimes against humanity, i could go on and on but that doesn't change the fact that china and russia are far more evil due to the actions of their authoritarian governments.

    Game Materialization: My Identity As The Immortal Emperor Is Exposed
    ゲーム · Plato's Joseki
  • Rhongomynaid
    に返信 Slik_lvl

    The Taiwanese don't care if they're conquered by China? Go outside. Speak to a young Taiwanese person. Nobody wants to be conquered forcefully by an authoritarian state that allows no criticism and has such heavy censorship, I wouldn't even be allowed to say all this in China, they're pure evil. I can call the president of America a comically misplaced pensioner and not get jailed for it. There's an amusing Wikipedia article called "Censorship of Winnie-the-Pooh in China". The people of Hong Kong were in the streets en mass for years protesting the Chinese coup. You're delusional if you think anybody wants to be assimilated into China outside of a Chinese spies or morons like you. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are fighting Russia because they don't want the worst dictator since that infamous German from the Third Reich to take over. I don't know how you could say Volodymyr Zelenskyy planned a coup, he simply won an election, I suppose it might be something your brain is not equipped to process since you defend Putin who's never won an election fairly since his first one. He's also removed term limits like any good dictator and just killed his opposition like his most threatening enemy, Navalny the other day. If you think Putin really didn't kill Navalny, then I'm afraid it's too late for this conversation, you're too far gone. Bringing up the colonisation of the American Indians is funny since colonial style expansion is exactly what Russia is doing with Ukraine today, look at the bodies, so many bodies, all for one mans cursed ambition.

    Game Materialization: My Identity As The Immortal Emperor Is Exposed
    ゲーム · Plato's Joseki
  • Rhongomynaid
    に返信 Slik_lvl

    The Japanese today have nothin to do with it. Those who commited crimes are dead. Most Japanese people today aren't even aware of the atrocities. can't blame them for their ancestors crimes now can we? Chinese government has killed far more Chinese people than the Japanese, look at the Great Chinese Massacre, the goverment killed tens of millions of Chinese and yet they don't teach that in the chinese schools, they hide it even though it's a fact, the famine was so bad there was widespread cannibalism. Japan isn't a slave of America, they've got a great economy and are doing fairly well. The Americans don't control Japan, Japan is a well respected international power. Russia is living out its imperialist fantasies by murdering people in Ukraine who have their own country and democracy and want nothing to do with them like a crazy ex boyfriend they keep relentlessly pursuing Ukraine. Same with Taiwan, Taiwanese people and government don't want to be conquered or invaded but China keeps saying they're going to do it. China is worse than current Japan right now. They're even genociding muslims.

    Game Materialization: My Identity As The Immortal Emperor Is Exposed
    ゲーム · Plato's Joseki
  • Rhongomynaid
    に返信 Lastear

    the review was for the first 20 chapters. the romance, in spite of how unremarkable and drawn out it is, is not the most glaring weakness of this novel. several hundred chapters of drawn out nothing burger plotlines had me drop this.

    Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness
    東方 · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy
  • Rhongomynaid
    に返信 TheGodlyFateFox

    just google the word nationalism. your understanding is incorrect. it has a negative connotation to it. ww2 germany was nationalist. russias government is nationalist. being a patriot is different.

    Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness
    東方 · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy
  • Rhongomynaid
    に返信 Rhongomynaid

    lads its with deep sadness and regret i inform you that this ended abruptly and horribly. don't read this

    I Can Level Up By Staying Idle
    SF · Kings Don't Steal
  • Rhongomynaid
    に返信 Zen_Master

    I caught up with this recently on a whim since I often get notifications on my review actually and although this did get better, it wasn't by much, it's still a very boring novel. I'd like to add that the combat is ridiculously flat and that the side characters are quite one dimensional. Everybody in the stone tablet chat group is uninteresting. The story is alright, it doesn't lack creativity but the execution tends to be bland. Like the Heavenly Foundation Establishment was creative and the relationship the servant girl has with her ex young master is unique but it ultimatly feels like it could have just been done better. I like the author's style of writing where he doesn't go over the top and tries to make relationships and the story seem real and doesn't force conclusions but they need to write the characters better for this to work, the girl and boy don't feel fleshed out enough for me to care. The current storyline with the Saint Bandits and the princess from the chat group is the worst offender. It's poorly paced and rather unexciting. The fellas at the punishment tower or whatever are cool though. My review was of the first 40 chapters because there were no other chapters, there used to be a feature called "trial reads" on this website where every week we'd get 6 novels with the first 40 chapters translated and the top 2-3 ones that got the most positive reception that week (we could vote for trial novels with a currency called "energy stones") would get translated further while the other novels that week would be abandoned forever with a few exceptions. I'm explaining this to you because this is when a lot of reviews are written and when reviews are most important since they hold most sway. I don't think I'm in the minority here, I think a lot of people agreed with the sentiments of my review at the time, but that didn't stop them from enjoying the novel or seeing potential which is why this got picked.

    Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness
    東方 · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy
  • Rhongomynaid

    tired of these rizzless CN authors trying to write an MC with rizz.

    "No need, I can't sleep alone."
    Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation
    東方 · Little Piggy
  • Rhongomynaid

    i think ive read this sentence enough times now. they gotta stop using this

    If someone was kind to him, he would repay the other party. If there was enmity... He would definitely take revenge!
    Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation
    東方 · Little Piggy
  • Rhongomynaid

    Do people in China read this explanation and nod their heads and think "Yeah fair enough"? I'm shook that someone wrote this and decided to share it with the world

    The lucky original owner of this body had accidentally found an evolution fruit while training in the wild. He was overjoyed and took a photo to share in the group chat of Class 23.
    Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation
    東方 · Little Piggy
  • Rhongomynaid
    に返信 Unstable_One

    Google patriotism vs nationalism, they are not at all the same. Thesauruses don't mean much, the actual definition is important. I can tell that English isn't your first language, so I understand that might be missing some of the nuances with words so I understand that but you need to google patriotism vs nationalism and spend a good 5 minutes reading into it, they are very different. My point was exactly that since the Jews were German, them thinking badly of the Germans because they were being murdered obviously has nothing to do with National Identity. They were MAD they were being GENOCIDED and THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH NATIONALISM. You don't "look down" on people who are murdering you because some other nation is better, you hate and fear them cuz they're EVIL and it has nothing to do with national identity, just like how I dislike the CCP, my nation is irrelevant. Stop being illiterate and find out what nationalism means, it is WILDLY different from patriotism, ask any educated person who actually speaks english.

    Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness
    東方 · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy
  • Rhongomynaid
    に返信 Unstable_One

    "Basically always be boiled down to identifying with your own nation and supporting its interests. Looking down on another country is a natural consequence of such views, and is an identifying factor"" This is simply nonsense, this is not at all what nationalism means. "Looking down on another country is a natural consequence of nationalism" is complete dogwater, you made this up and this makes no logical sense. By this logic anyone who thinks poorly of another country for any reason is "nationalistic" by your made up nonsensical definition. Looking down on another country isn't an identifying factor of nationalism, you're talking out of your backside. See you keep thinking than just because I'm a part of a country and I'm looking down on China because I think it's where ever I'm from or whatever but you need to understand that maybe yes, a country can OBJECTIVELY be superior to another country. Do you not believe in objective truth? Anyone with more than 2 braincells should be able to tell that a country like Germany is better than Biafra. I'm not German so I surely don't feel a shred of nationalism to them, it's just objective truth. I'm not looking down on China, I'm criticising totalitarianism and cultural manipulation by people in power to further their own agendas. It has nothing to do with "muh country better", I know every country has issues but that is not a reason for me to not criticise state backed racism and crippling totalitarianism. Lemme try to tell you why your logic is silly: 1: Nationalism is supporting and identifying with your country is already a bad definition, what you're describing is closer to patriotism and patriotism and nationalism are very different things, one can most definitely be a patriot whilst not being nationalist and I don't think non nationalistic patriots generally have a positive view of real nationalists. You wouldn't understand though because you have no idea what the word "nationalist" means, please google it, it isn't that broad and has nothing to do with what you've said. 2. "Looking down on another country is a natural consequence of such views, and is an identifying factor." is not just a reach, it's borderline mental illness. BTW never said I'm from the US. I'm just telling you that China's problem is dangerous and evil because they would jail me for saying stuff a lot more tame than this, it's objective and has nothing to do with where I'm from or who I am. The Chinese people who believe this are dead, in jail or silent to avoid being dead or in jail. I guess they're nationalistic to other countries... My country has nothing to do with my opinion on other countries. Period. I guess the Jews who disliked the Third Reich were nationalistic to some country to some degree since they thought the Germans were evil. You're nationalistic because you said earlier that China did some bad things. The Chinese don't think they did anything bad. It's just morals bro, just like the gas chambers! Anyways if there's anything you've got to take away from this it's that disliking a country rarely as anything to do with nationalism as that's a very separate thing.

    Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness
    東方 · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy
  • Rhongomynaid
    に返信 Unstable_One

    Part 2. I've made another reply, go read that first. "The fact that you say that the government controls the culture in China does not go counter to this at all, as nationalism is about the government in the first place.." Stating that the government controls the culture does prove a point because it means that the government can make culture whatever it wants instead of the masses organically coming to their own conclusions thus invalidating culture because if it is not the real voice of the people then it's just propaganda by the elite, it's a form of control. "Don't get me wrong, I, too, think a lot of what China is doing to its people is wrong, but that doesn't change the definition of nationalism and racism. Nor does it change the fact that looking down on China's government is itself nationalism" This is the most idiotic thing I've read, pretty sure I just developed hypertension reading it. That is not what nationalism means. If I don't how America has school shootings and how their medicine is evilly overpriced I'm not being nationalistic, you don't need to like a nation as a frame of reference to think that these things are bad, criticising a country other than your own isn't nationalism, you sound dumb. You clearly don't know the definition of the word nationalism so the lack of self awareness in that statement where you tell me that not liking what China is doing doesn't change the definition of nationalism and how looking down on their government is nationalism is so immense that I don't have anything to say to describe it, it's beyond words, I want to cry.

    Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness
    東方 · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy
  • Rhongomynaid
    に返信 Unstable_One

    This comment has got a lot of oddly divergent (and consequentially) fallacious arguments in it. I got a long rant so it's divided into 2 parts, this is part 1. You seem to have a morally relativistic outlook which is by far your biggest problem because it's an incredibly flawed and worthless view to have. I wanna say you're saying this in good faith cause your argument still sorta gets through but you make some weird assumptions and awkward comparisons that kinda puts words in my mouth + your first point is straight up disgusting. I'll just address everything you've said bit by bit to make sure I don't gloss over anything. "Freedom of speech enables people to write far more racist things in the US.Also, although I would never deny that most of these Chinese webnovels have a lot of racism and nationalism, I would say the same applies to the majority of novels from any country - especially the USA. The only difference is how explicit it is." This is just disgusting, I don't think you thought this through as it does not defend your point but makes it even more disgusting. It would make sense if you were defending Singapore as the constitution states that racism is literally illegal but China is a country where racism is encouraged because of rampant nationalism. The racism in China is definitely not better than racism in any developed country, it's much worse. In a developed world the crazy racists are a minority while in China they're far from it, you've read the novels that young Chinese men read. It's more predominant there and you know it. You've read how disgustingly Africans have been described in these CN novels, how every other country is killed off. A book with that kinda racism and nationalism that would not be acceptable the same way it is in China. The majority of people in the developed world would be disgusted. Here's a hypothetical scenario. We survey everyone in England and everyone in China. It's simple. We make everyone read one of those racist nationalistic novels where Africa, India, America, East Asia and Europe are portrayed as deceitful, lustful, incompetent, evil and traitorous and either all end up subservient to China or wiped out but we give the Chinese ones their version where the Chinese are good and we give the English a different version where they're the good ones and everyone else is bad. We want to know which country is going to like their novel least. Quite anti climatic as we both know the answer but it's England and it isn't even close. Guess what. England has free speech! There are still tons of racists but not nearly as much by comparison. You can replace England with most places with free speech from India to Canada, doesn't really matter, it's hard to top Chinese racism. In Pakistan marrying a 12 year old girl to a 40 year old man against her will is acceptable. If someone were to think that wanting to stop that is "nationalistic" and that it's just a different culture with different morals and laws and that we need to accept that, and that I don't actually want to end cruelty and that what I really want is just to control the world through my culture then that person can shove it. You're that person. Shove it. China is racist because of the the lack of free speech by the nationalistic government and cuz ppl who are outspoken against racism are deemed unpatriotic and silenced. You then go on about a scenario where I were to have control over everything and how you're so sure that I'd make the world like my country which is nationalism and that's me wanting to control the world through culture. First off, that has nothing to do with culture and secondly this is flawed from the get go. Let's say I like British healthcare and Singaporean speech laws. Does this mean I'm "nationalistic" to these places or do I just like these laws? You keep shoving the word nationalism into everything when that's not what it means, you sound like an imbecile.

    Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness
    東方 · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy
  • Rhongomynaid
    に返信 Amatsu

    read the review before commenting, your comment is embarrassing, stop being a clown.

    Disciple Cashback System: I Got Exposed By My Disciple
    東方 · Three Golden Crow
  • Rhongomynaid
    に返信 tatsuya277353

    Read my last sentence "This doesn't affect my score of course but it's still very annoying". My rating didn't include what I thought about the lack of chapters, this novel is terrible even when ignoring the (formerly) weird chapters. read everything before replying my dude, i reread it and it seems like all my criticisms are valid

    Dragon of Time Control
    ファンタジー · Tangsong Yuanming Qing
  • Rhongomynaid
    に返信 fas1pass

    I disagree. My account might get removed but I'd rather die standing than live kneeling. jk, i just don't care. Chinese culture has ridiculously tight regulations by virtue of the ever repressive CCP, it hasn't ever evolved naturally or kept with the times so I'd argue that this isn't a case of there being differences, it's simply another case of China being backwards. Normally the masses control culture but in China, it's the government. There is no Chinese morality, only the CCP's morality There's even been a ban on "effeminate men" which bans a lot of Kpop and Kdramas (lol), they're run by a group of stereotypically out of touch boomers with a distressing passion for totalitarianism. This is a culture that is submissive to and worships a corrupt government far removed from morality. This government caused the Great Chinese Famine killing 10s of millions, the worst, most gruesome famine in human history but in Chinese textbooks, it's a few lines in small text with a greatly played down death toll that won't appear in exams. There's no morality or accountability here, the people are ignorant and a lot of evil is a result of ignorance just like this. No other developed country would allow novels as racist as these Chinese novels to see the light of day, let alone be sold for money and even translated for the rest of the world to see. You can argue that it's different "culture" but if so you'd have to say the same for N Koreans who worship Kim Jung Un and 13 year old girls getting forced into marriages with 30+ year old men in the middle east, it's all just different cultures. And to address my initial gripe, aside from human rights in general (*cough* google 996 working system, 1989 china *cough*), Women's and Men's rights (that's right, check the wikipedia page for that too) are also not taken seriously there and this is not because of people but because of government control. If a Chinese person were to tell me I was hijacking Chinese morality I'd say: What morality?

    Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness
    東方 · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy
  • Rhongomynaid

    This is one of the worst trial reads to ever come out which is terrifying if you think about it. I firmly believe that the author's brain has long since rotted in his skull. This man needs to be held accountable for crimes against humanity because nobody sane could read more than 10 chapters of this nightmare and not be filled with the urge to end their misery by immediately throwing themselves off a building. I'm not going to review this novel in detail because this isn't a review, this is a warning and a cry for help, I've read SEVEN CHAPTERS of this so the view outside my bedroom window is looking really tempting right now...

    Entire Class Transmigrated: My Talent Is Summation
    都市 · Classroom Of The Elite
  • Rhongomynaid
    に返信 uflesh940

    Chinese Racism™ update just dropped. Crazy.

    This Is A Frost Dragon Instead Of A Small Lizard
    ファンタジー · Blood Mage
  • Rhongomynaid

    Pretty much the Chinese equivalent to the Korean Murim. This man just pasted the Wikipedia description which is hilarious because it correctly assumes that the average webnovel user isn't smart enough to use Google.

    After all, where there was Jianghu[1.Jianghu ('rivers and lakes') is a term that generally refers to the milieu, environment, or sub-community in which many Chinese wuxia stories are set. The term is used flexibly, and can be used to describe a fictionalized version of Historical China (usually using loose influences from across the ~1000 BCE–280 AD period); a setting of feuding martial arts clans and the people of that community; a secret and possibly criminal underworld; a general sense of the "mythic world" where fantastical stories happen; or some combination thereof.], there would be grudges and entanglements, and there would be competition for benefits.
    I Can Cultivate And Level Up Infinitely
    東方 · Cold Wind In The Mountains