You want lemon dont you reader well i dont care i will not make my fanfics unavailable for readers. Stop You horny men/women but mostly men.
use it to strength so you can soccer punch him killing him instantly
how does a demon king aquire divinity? won't he just become a demon god?
wait how does a maou/ demon king in Japanese worship god? I mean he is literally the enemy of god in the bible.
is the maou?
wait a minute what does the bastard sword do anyway?
man the heroes of MHA are worst than motoyasu when he unlocked his cursed series on volume 10-12
he kinda feels like vergil on how he wants more power no matter want he sacrifices.
man the lust skill just made me think he will become a hentai protagonist in the future probobly
so it has an IQ of over 300 and more intelegence than all of humanity without Gil included