I've been following Twitchy_ since about Chapter 100 in their other book, Survival Evolved: Incarnation, and let me say, Twitchy doesn't disappoint. Flesh Corrupted is a brilliant story so far, only being 32 chapters since I started to read, about a young boy who slowly adjusts to the zombified world and has his own problems. Sure, there might be a few clichés, but that doesn't make it bad. I love it so far, and you should read it too.
This might be spoilers but will we ever see the cause and how the zombies work in this book? Whether it's soon or later
Swapping shoes isn't talked about enough in shows like The Walking Dead
but the military is literally surrounding them?
He's talking about Call of Duty zombies here, right?
This already has such a different vibe than Survival Evolved: Incarnation, and I really like it!
Or maybe he's dead!
So cool that Minecraft exists in this web novel
This is a really good opening, I look forward to the rest