Very fun novel. A little crazy even compared to other novels of the author, which are... special. Most of the time. But if you like it, you will probably also enjoy crazy kaiju evolution.
Checking her pulse after destroying her heart might be not the best idea to confirm if she is actually dead.
Classic Romeru. Gimme the smut! Writing is obviously good. The author is experienced. Cant say much to the story yet, but its interesting so far. Maybe, just maybe, he will reach the heights of his hidden masterpiece My sausage system. Who knows? Lets find out!
Satisfying <3
Good writing, good idea for a story, interesting characters. Give it a try, its worth a read. I just hope that Romeru doesnt use his classic move and suddenly drops the novel. :(
Thank you very much! It feels really good to get a comment like that. <3
He survived Shions food. Absolute Hero!
I've seen that one before!
Thanks for the review! I try to upload a chapter every day but I don't have an exact time.
Don't worry. I write the story mainly because I enjoy it and as a stress relief. So even if I have no more readers I will not drop it.