well I forgot to press the save button and lost all information.. my identity will forever be mysterious and unknown.. Good Day To Ya!
Thanks for the chapter! I love the way the cursed knight is described.
Thanks for the chapter! The guy that exploded.. I'm not sure what I expected but I sure was surprised.
I couldn't have said it any better myself!
Wish I could try some of that Supreme Dawn serpent.. Thanks for the chapter!
ah yes I see you found the work of our corrupted vengfull death knight. don't mind him.. he just has.. anger issues. Thanks for the chapter! can't wait for the next one!
Yes! Let The Caos Unfold! thanks for the chapter a great read as always :)
Thanks for the chapter! I love how the mercenaries that were going about their day end up having a casual conversation with a dragon that is probably the size of a castle from their prospective.
Nice Job! Thank you for the chapter!