Incredible, you have no idea how long I waited for a Shadow Slave react fanfic, congratulations, I hope you continue.
No, I'm very busy because of work and college, and it's hard to have a fixed schedule, especially since I write whenever I have some free time.
I've had some issues, but the next chapter is already in progress.
the next chapter is already in progress
I'm alive, don't worry. Just dealing with writer's block, at least when it comes to this story, to be more precise. I've become a bit obsessed with the idea of creating an original story, and unfortunately, it won't leave my mind. Every free moment I have, my thoughts drift towards that. Even when I try to read a book or watch something, I can't, because I end up feeling bored.
The MC is still Sunny, as for the others, I'm referring to some important characters from Shadow Slave. Nephis and Cassie, you know, they reacted to their own story in Shadow Slave
I will explain if you read 'Shadow Slave.' This takes place at the beginning, shortly after they enter the Dream Realm. They are pulled into a huge void by the Nightmare spell. He and other people there will see Sunny's story; this is a reaction fic where they will witness Sunny's past events and future occurrences.
My plan was to try to release one every week, but without a fixed day. However, it's very complicated because of work and university.
What exactly would your question be?
I'm sorry to disappoint, but I haven't been able to write anything since I posted the last chapter. It's been hectic both at university and work, and the weekend, when I wanted to at least write a little, I ended up getting sick. So unfortunately, I think I'll only be able to work on the new chapter next week.