Have read up to date (currently chapter 161) very solid storyline so far with no useless side characters mc also has a very good personality also and fairly smart when he needs to be
I am in need of more
Very good and enjoyable currently read 216 chapters
I’m a fan of how it’s going so far
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
I need more
Couldn’t rein analyse lucian straight up to see if he has any manipulation skills? Unless lucian is a normal person and is using psychology and charm without any skills for the killings?
Started off ok but have read up to chapter 76 and so much random shit has been thrown into the story it’s ridiculous. Like he meets a wolf pack then 15 chapter later the leader of said pack is betrayed by another pack for no discernible reason and for some reason betrayed by all the other wolf packs, but it’s ok becuase he’s got something to do with the god of death???? There is no foreshadowing whatsoever. And the mc doesn’t even seem to find the rest of the pack only finds two others and fucks off???? But then some sage from an empire says there’s a dangerouss beast that could threaten humanity and sends in a thousand troops??? Like author wtf it seems like whenever u run out of what to write u throw random shit in for the shock factor? not to mention the mc despite being a murderer is such a coward and has the personality of a wet paper bag. Like his system could be so broken but he utilises like 10% of it properly and he is really not smart.
I like it personally mc has a very dif ferent per sonality then most mcs.
The pace is also solid, slightly jarring with the rare, but needed, time skips.