profile art by chromedwolf
nice reference to the band that made the song that Seth sung was based on (sick puppies)
not really a paradox it seem like a spacial loop with limited regenerative properties that can be over strained. a paradox would be something like a path that goes in every which way but the path doesn't split and the only way to follow the path would be to be a paradox yourself and go along the path in the only direction it goes (everywhere at once) and in the case where you aren't a paradox you would go inside if you aren't already though I'm not sure this is even a paradox cause at the time I'm writing this my description seems to be more of a really odd non euclidean space modified into our euclidean world.
light is made of subatomic particles called photons and photons don't form atomic structures as far as I'm aware
Seth could use the nucklavee soul to create a specialized golem forge and I imagine that a nucklavee soul might be able to be turned into workstation the same way Seth made the alchemy station, either that or he can use it to upgrade the golem forge he already has to make golems that share enough traits with the nucklavee creations cheaper easier and faster to make
coincidentally I am rereading this on my birthday
did something happen? it's been 5 days.
author did you die?
please pick this story back up