I trust Xan and I believe that in the end he will make the right decision. whatever that might be.
Please don't let Lun be the one to die
Well, I get why the Queen behaves that way and why Xan is sticking up for her but it is Kai's choice whether he wants to associate with her or not. She really messed up his life and she still hasn't even apologized for it. But her motivations are understandable since the author does a great job at creating three dimensional characters.
Again, I'm with Xan on this too. I appreciate him a lot more now.
I agree with Xan on this one.
I will never stop saying it, Reina is the best 💞
That's so cute! Friends do make everything better.
Poor boy... They deserve better, both him and his sister.
No she was six when she got separated from her dad and then I think she stayed two years in that house as a dog.
I still think Mika shouldn't have said what he said, but at least now I can understand why he thinks that it was better that way. Reina is still way better though.