Lumine(f) is one of the playable character and the other one is Aether(m). they're the twin traveller but got separated when they 'arrived' which the protector or guardian assumed they're trying to invade so they fought and lose so they get sealed but the twin got separated. one goes to the abyss (one of the twin; if you choose M char then lumine would fall to the abyss and vice versa).
what are you talking about, i'm still at chapter 6 but it already felt horrible. tl doesn't know the story s/he tl-ed about. a quick google check would suffice but I reckon just copy-paste it into a translation software is good enough.
it's not the emperor, if you want to 'eng' it add rock or stone. the emperor of stone or rock or if you had known the game lore, rex lapis which mean king of stone which again I reckon where the emperor thing come from.
ganyu, the translation simply suck.
chapter length is way too short
one of the reasons why i hate typical cn-style novels. There are good ones, but they are hard to find.
i thought he already disconnected from Jean and he needs to see her to connect it again?
what a questionable choice author had to write this...
that was a superb opening of a chapter
the heck, december has lots of lots cold frigid rain