It is Zero’s and Rayleigh’s will to make their captain’s dream come true. So in a way, they are not following someone else’s will but their own. Like Garp who’s will is align with justice, so although he answers to the WG, he still has Conq Haki.
that data book was released in 2008, at that time the author had planed to make the third Hokage the strongest kage of all time, with Minato coming in as second strongest of all time, but he had to make some changes in the story which resulted in this confusion. If you went based on facts, excluding naruto's era, the first would be the strongest, minato in his base form without kuruma would be third, as he loses to the second hokage who is a pure blooded SENJU in both chakra reserve, techniques and battle iq, not to mention the one thing he is better than everyone at(speed) is a jutsu that the second created and understands. Fourth place is the Hiruzen, and 5th is Tsuande.
I was actually writing other chapters trying to make them fit with Oda’s new revelations, and make them make sense with what I’ve already written in the last 44 chapters.
Due to the recent revelations made by Oda about the past history before canon and the direction of the canon(present day) one piece world, the chapters I wrote ahead had to be squashed due to it's inconsistency with that storyline, so I have to rewrite more chapters while trying to make them fit with the plans and storyline I had already set up with the already released 40+ chapters. Honestly I'm not sure if I should continue writing this story, or just rewrite a new one with a present day storyline to avoid the problem I'm currently facing. Spoiler below The biggest revelation Oda made is that the world is sinking. the storyline I made doesn't match that, so I have to start over.
Due to certain reveals made by Oda about the past history before canon, the chapters I wrote ahead had to be squashed, so I have to rewrite more chapters while trying to make them fit with the plans and storyline I had already set up with the already released 40+ chapters.
No, but I can't maintain my normal consistency.
The story is just about Ephon and his family life in Nature's Triangle, the direction is to spread the Paradise the people of Nature's Triangle enjoy to the rest of the world(mostly due to his eldest son's wish).
Stronger than an Admiral, but weaker than the four Yonkos is where I have her future fighting ability.
Yes, you're correct