this guy knows 😂
sloth is hands down one of the best authors on this site I've only read up the chapter 10 so far and I can already tell that this is going to be everything that I thought it would be and if this is your first time hearing of the sleep deprived one I strongly suggest reading supreme harem God system as well as far as this novel goes my rating should speak for itself lol as always slob's ability to put his personal spend on the traditional writing style and general troops is A1 as always
I'm getting Escanor vibes from buddy lol
thanks for the chapter time to get xinyue and more resources the hunters aren't going to know what hit them if they try to attack my mans territory lol
so shouldn't he be able to find that water where they found the salmon at just wondering? while we're on the subject of wondering why didn't he use the dew she gave him with his ability to buff himself ? inquiring minds wanted to know thanks for the chapter
I mean if you were paying attention you would see that it's either join them out right or take the test he decided to take the test which means he's not going against advice
thanks for the chapter
I didn't even think of that that would be too clutch
his next tribulation is going to be insane bro s*** the last one was insane 😂
and we finally found out what the soul for it is not going to lie it seems pretty cool