I hope he is letting her pay.
Agreed, the stock is about to drop again after the stark announcement.
They have what, spent 5 hrs at most with each other? Or have they spent time offscreen as well?
Tell that to Batman
Doesn’t he have super regen? Is not getting up soon means for the next 5 seconds?
He punches a whole through the roof as he leans in and whispers “I’ll pop your head like a balloon”
That’s the most logical thing but it’s so overdone that I would rather he not
What about school? The day he arrived I assumed was Sunday since he didn’t go to school that day and he went to school the next day. Then he went to oscorp the following day and now he went to a junkyard?
Any idea on the next chapter?
But it is? Look at every wizard as soon as expelliarmus is cast? They are nothing but a muggle once they lose their wand