Trans Woman Lesbian who loves Yuri, GL, Empire Building. I Overanalyze what I read and enjoy it. I'm attuned to the sins of Pride and Gluttony. @ZephanyZephZeph on most socials
Makes sense but a shame the end is truly now in sight
Oh you really went there with addressing the childhood trauma of being the oldest sibling who has to dual role as parent.
It's fine, probably just the TMJ being the messy muscle it is
Gender fluid dryad, absolutely based. There is so much cool stuff going on with how Thyme came to learn identity going on here, and how identities are very much constructed.
Oh no, I have no clue what this story is anymore, I dropped it months ago.
Refinement, Loudness, and Memes.
Well it's good Kress is thinking through this and taking it seriously. He's honestly going to make a great partner so long as he talks about this kind of thing with Stan. I'm really liking this new Kress, and look forward to seeing him happy.
it appears that when I made that comment I had forgotten critical information
well an illusionist doesn't want aggravate a demon with TRUESIGHT.
No, not capitalist industrial revolution, pure collectivistic attitude means that consumer goods are produced to increase quality of life, as that increases productivity in any species that likes creature comforts, as it reduces stress that detracts from motivation and efficiency. Also the more wealth made means the more able to be spent on investing and developing other areas. There is no capitalism, as nobody owns the means of production, only small areas of private ownership to satisfy needs and desires of the species that want that. But critically the basis always ends up at producing to expand at the fastest rate while taking care of everyone, whether enforced by sleep Stasi or consumer goods being smithing training.