you can try to be patient, and login for 2 weeks. on 14th day you get to read for free.
in my reward there is no mission which has voucher as reward.
say i want to unlock 1 chapter, its short chapter it says it only needs 1 fast pass to unlock. what happens if you apply discount voucher then ??? honestly i still cant find the damn voucher. does it look orange??
it might be little vexing but i cant find mission. is that daily store right below login screen?? and what happens when there 1fp is required for 1 chapter??? does it still apply.
isnt 20%off for those who use coins to unlock chalters in abtch??? isnt one fast pass for 1 chapter??? and anyway you can have multiple accounts on android??? without clutter? thank you.
i thought he meant human cauldrons
its translator not doing job well. not bad but just good enough. techniques, fighting moves and all the stuff there effort can be made to try to give suitable english name. ofc it doesnt works every time, but if technique actually gives you some idea what it is then its not bad thing. i dont know what is ba jin is. again i can search but whats the use of translation.
false , my bad
I also wanted to know are This newly added volunteers considered legion??