I really like apocalypse stories I will try reading it.Please give me more recommendations.Thank you !!
69 shu
Male lead does nothing but sign in. the woman he met on th plane was also a gold digger.Did not want to talk to him and ignored him until she saw him in a car.
Can someone tell me the raw to this story please 🙏🙏
What’s going on why is the other chapters not coming in
The story was nice at the beginning but I decide to stop during the 100 episode.the female lead is soo weak but still wants to save others even her friends who have been in a life and death situation was watched by her whilst he was in cut into pieces by a maniac for his zombie wife.The male lead also knows his wife is pregnant but allows her to do risky things like getting an antidote from a mutated rat infested company.I regr even starting the story .Transmigrated stories are still the best
Mtl novel u will find the story complete one
Female lead
FL was sooo weak I could not even stand it already crying .does not even know to talk back when people are bringing her down . At the beginning I thought she should be a stron go but as the story progressed it just did not turn how I wanted it to be so I stopped before I even got too far.I at first did not like that both characters were not single but I persisted but I still did not get what I needed from this story.Even if she is not strong she should at least not be so useless butting her nose into places that are not needed like her ex for instance why would she agree to uncle tang when she has already divorced her ex.Not my cup of tea but for some it might