I loved it, it was a bit short for my liking, and I wish the white haired chick had a better reason for all the shit she did, like her family got ruined or killed and she hated growing up so close to someone who had it all and flaunted it or there was a lie in school that she thought she spread which caused her to get either the wrong attention or no attention at all.
Omg I loved it! I just wish I could read more after a year of reading this story I am so happy with the outcome.
Omg! So cute! I love the main female character, and I can totally understand why he fell in love with her! I usually read romance novels that have the romance having the girl going for the male, when I usually read that it is the male who fell in love first then it is usually weird but this one I totally loved and understood why he would only choose her.
Omg! I came here for the office romance with Lion but stayed for the beautiful love that blossomed between Keke and Chang’an. I wish it didn’t end like that though… and I even loved the romance between Lion’s sister and the bird dude. I wish we got to hear about what happened to the female (bear?) leader, cause she just was left to only appear when the main characters wanted something from her.
I just wish your gammar and spelling was up to par with everything else in this story. Please continue to do more because i just cant get enough of this. thanks for writting a love story i will never have.
Omg! I only started Readibg this like last week, and it was so captivating that I read It any chance I had. got to admit, the story wasnt really all that believable since for 1 there is no hospital that could ever make that mistake at the start of the story with a child being taken willingly with the doctor in the know, each hospital has too many precautions in state for sistuations like these. but other than the absurdities, great story. Though I hate the fact that the twins could have resolved this so much earlier on in the story when they found out about each other looking like the other and being mistakenly taken by the other person. but then this whole drama couldnt have worked.