Be cruel? What are you going to do, mark me absent? Oh no, an unexcused absence!!! What will I ever do with my life now!?!?!
It has been a while since I tried reading this novel and I am remembering why I dropped it. The horrible translation and the blatant inconsistencies are too much to get over.
Wow, introducing a random hot chicken who talks bad about the MC. There's no way we won't see her again considering her irrational hate towards him.
Maybe this is supposed to be student since this assignment doesn't have anything to do with anything scholarly.
That isn't a skill...
Why would you do that infront of everyone?
Back in the first assessment, he had to wait until the required level to learn the skills, but now he can learn a skill above his level?
He did level up to 15 twice, so anything is possible at this point.