sounds like every asian parent and teachers dream magical item
Hlo there author.i really wanna ask something is ruby really a female lead for the book i mean i am at around chapter 220 something and i know for a fact that ruby spends almost all the time with the main cast and only some occasional time if ever with ren,it is getting really boring you know like the MC is important i know but ultimately it is the side characters and other leads that makes the story alive ,when ruby got introduced i was really excited thinking about the bantering and all but ruby is now feeling like nothing other than another member of the main cast who just sometimes meets with MC and chat with him
you do realize that asking to destroy a royal and a duke family is essentially the same as asking to destroy the country right?
Not gonna lie just read the free chapters and you will understand,that it is nothing much but a copy and paste of the typical Japanese novel mc that you will find anywhere that are simps and the only thing they are good at is their luck and simping,there is this girl called hina whose parents were saved by mc and the first thing she did was to stare at him and say she hates him and she continues to did it every single time and our mc just smiles every time like a pathetic f**k and then after this whole fiasco author gives 1 paragraph of 3 lines explaining why she did this and thought everything is fine,it was also written that in original novel she died in the middle after her parents were killed,well i think that author with the original novel has better common sense then the current one who is pushing for this hasteful b***h to become heroine,i would rather have the mc just remain single
Not gonna lie but i feel like i didn't read a chapter at all.The whole chapter can be basically summarised as the MC trained physically for two months and his relationship with his sister remained bad but his parents improved a little.Just read this summary and you won't miss anything in the chapter and well it is not like it feels like a chapter anyway more like a little big paragraph
Ok so i have read almost 200 chap till the part just before they decide to go to the snowy mountains,not gonna lie the story has great potential though it was ruined due to tons of grammatical mistakes and with character having only 10 year old personality,During early 50 chapters i thought it is authors first story so it is fairly normal for to have some problems regarding writing quality which is normal in this site,but now i am over 200 chapters with no improvement whatsoever in the writing quality not to mention the personality of character are like so bland i mean how can they shout out every little thing and become impressed at every other,not to mention the mc has no caution and openly tells anyone who asks everything about himself and when i say everything i mean everything from his every skill to how he learned them to his weakness to not be able to learn mastery skill,i sometimes think if someone asks nicely enough he will even give them his house and locker keys with a smile.I still really really liked the premise of the story and am gonna read a bit more with hope of improvement in at least the writing quality.But for those who are looking for quality story this will not be a story for you it will seem like you are reading mtl.Also i hope this is not true but it seems author delete reviews below 3 stars otherwise i cant see why there is no other review regarding the writing quality with low ratings.
hey isn't her hair red?
are you sure mc was a top spirit master of the world?or maybe he was but just got there because of his master as i cant imagine a person with such a brain becoming an expert without dying 10 times just because he underestimated everything,i am at chap 63 right now and in just 2 weeks mc has at least underestimated 5 things which all end up being biting him in the back but he is just so arrogant that he does not even want to acknowledge his wrong but insist that everything he did was right and just kept underestimating everything again and again,i think it would be better if you started the story with a different style like mc coming from earth and getting ONLY knowledge about manuals and future or something else which would atleast make sense that why mc just want to underestimate everyone and everything,i does not used to like the mcs of other chinese novels because they are arrogant but atleast they never underestimate there opponent or the intelligence of others as the mc of this story is doing,he took my understanding of peerless expert to a whole new level.please change the plot device as it is a great novel and i see a lot of potential in it just by reading 60 chapters but sorry but i cant imagine mc ever being a top expert with his current mindset he is more like a little kid that got knowledge of manuals and future events and thats all,this should never equate to mc having more wisdom as he seems to have a lot of battle experience not life experience and does not know how to handle people without looking down on them
Yup! Good following his plans for being low key, i dont know why every mc just stay at the start of the novel of being low key but always accept the challenges of other like the REAL mc of the novel