@Dragon15681, r u dropping the fic?, it's been 4mnths, update the fic it's great!!
But this is Fanon!!
But this is Fanon!!
Bro these are Hindu gods, not-madeup. Maybe author is a Hindu.
@Lil_Asmodeus, when( which chapter) will Mc and Julia have their own lemon-time?
Does he even need this, doesn't he have dark or black heart?
@REON_01, Can you continue updating the novel. It's nice, don't drop it!!
@DragonnX, hey bro can you make sure Mc slays Melqart &Verethragna instead of Godou? Japan does not need 2 campiones fighting for it!! Mc is enough
@Dragon15681 U didn't forget to update the chaps do u?
plz keep updating the chaps from nowon