

2021-06-21 入りましたIndonesia






  • NaaymazAra
    NaaymazAra3 years ago

    The story is quite interesting, the characters used are also basic and in accordance with the characters used. the background may be more detailed and clear. Updates are quite regular too

  • NaaymazAra
    NaaymazAra3 years ago

    Le caratterizzazioni utilizzate sono interessanti, la trama è abbastanza buona e anche i personaggi non sono noiosi. Lo stile di scrittura è appena sufficiente per essere corretto, ma è comunque appropriato per gli adolescenti da leggere. Sostanza vischiosa

  • NaaymazAra
    NaaymazAra3 years ago

    De gebruikte karakteriseringen zijn interessant, het plot is best goed en de personages zijn ook niet saai. De schrijfstijl is net genoeg om te worden gerepareerd, maar het is nog steeds geschikt voor tieners om te lezen. Smurrie

  • NaaymazAra
    NaaymazAra3 years ago

    Pengembangan ceritanya cukup menarik untuk pembaca, desain cover nya udah bagus dan menarik sekali tidak ada komentar yang terlalu menjorok . hanya tulisannya cukup di perbaiki🔥

  • NaaymazAra
    NaaymazAra3 years ago

    kualitas tulisanya cukup rapi dan bagus, alur yang di pakai juga sesuai dengan plot twist cerita, desain cover nya menarik dan cocok dengan judul . Semangat Up-nya 🔥🔥

  • NaaymazAra
    NaaymazAra3 years ago

    kualitas tulisanya cukup rapi dan bagus, alur yang di pakai juga sesuai dengan plot twist cerita, desain cover nya menarik dan cocok dengan judul . Semangat Up-nya 🔥🔥

  • NaaymazAra
    NaaymazAra3 years ago

    kualitas tulisanya cukup rapi dan bagus, alur yang di pakai juga sesuai dengan plot twist cerita, desain cover nya menarik dan cocok dengan judul . Semangat Up-nya 🔥🔥

  • NaaymazAra
    NaaymazAra4 years ago

    the stability of the story is not interesting, but everything is good the characters are interesting and the storyline is also interesting to read

  • NaaymazAra
    NaaymazAra4 years ago

    Ceritanya bagus banget dah bantu sundul aja kak nanti kalau sudah berhasil membuat orang lain bahagia membaca cerita kakak , lanjutkan ya saya tunggu😣🔥♥️🔥🔥🔥🔥🌚

  • NaaymazAra
    NaaymazAra4 years ago

    Nextttt thorrrrrr cepatttttt😳😳😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣 Pasti cantik nih nanyinyaaaa awwwwww😳😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😕😕😕😕😕😕🐢🐢🐢🐢😭😭😥😥

Mon Amour Scribbler

Queen, a renowned author with an impressive reputation, lives in the busy, stressful world of literature. After years of relying on Mr. William as her loyal editor, Queen is faced with a major change. Mr. William decides to take a sabbatical, and his position is replaced by Seo-hoon or Jihoon, a charismatic and enigmatic publishing CEO. The first meeting between Queen and Seo-hoon was fraught with tension. Seo-hoon, with his cold and sharp professional demeanor, seemed hard to reach, while Queen felt pressured to prove her worth without Mr. William's support. The conflicts that arise between them are inevitable, but over time, the tensions begin to form a challenging and interesting work dynamic. Outside of the writing world, Queen faces her own personal life challenges. Her close friends Mey and Fika, who are also writers and editors, are an important source of support and encouragement. They had to balance the demands of college and work while supporting Queen in dealing with the pressures of the literary world and her family's disapproval of her career. Over time, Seo-hoon begins to show unexpectedly tender and complex sides of himself. The initial tension between Queen and Seo-hoon slowly turns into a deep and meaningful relationship. Queen must face the fact that behind their disagreements, there is the possibility for an unexpected and unfathomable love. Set against the backdrop of a literary industry full of intrigue and emotion, this story explores Queen's journey in balancing career and love, and how two seemingly disparate worlds can complement each other to form a compelling and meaningful story.

NaaymazAra · 都市
15 Chs