

2021-05-21 入りましたGlobal






  • richard_rick
    richard_rick3 years ago
    に返信 LuxemburgLiebhaber

    hi. please support our novel. Thanks 😊

  • richard_rick
    richard_rick3 years ago

    The novel is intriguing and inspiring to read. please keep up the good work 😉 don't stop writing, I believe this novel will one day explore wonders beyond.

  • richard_rick
    richard_rick3 years ago
    に返信 Mana_228

    Don't be so hard on yourself. Soon you'll understand everything

  • richard_rick
    richard_rick3 years ago
    に返信 Kutu

    Muslim, Christian or non believer whatsoever you choose or not be it religion idc. The Quran is a duplicate of the Christian bible. BIMEATHEST is not all about the bible alone it's a message to the world entirely and he who has ears let him hear, he who has eyes let him see what you are about to face. Bimeathest is a code deciphered to get a better understanding of what's coming, it's been translated from every source material all over religious believes and the God or gods they worship. So please open your heart and be enlightened. This is the secret that your religion is hiding from you, this is the secret of wonders.

  • richard_rick
    richard_rick3 years ago
    に返信 Kutu

    First it's based on a biblical story of which you are aware of. The bible has lots of history that you don't know about which is why BIMEATHEST explains a lot about trying to enlighten you, your awareness and expands your understanding. If you think you know a lot about the bible and it's long line of history and Angels, gods and demons feel free to drop your ideas. And mind you that the novel is twisted, it's you who lack the understanding of processing the novel, read it with your heart and let it sink into your understanding. Check out the synopsis for more understanding and you'll know it's not an easy task writing BIMEATHEST like some other novels. Bimeathest is everything and you should be lucky to know that it messages are getting through you and the world.

  • richard_rick
    richard_rick3 years ago

    Very intriguing novel and spectacular can't wait for more chapters to be released. The novel is fabulous indeed, the story development is awesome as well as the characters.

  • richard_rick
    richard_rick3 years ago

    Too many appreciation 😊😁 😏

  • richard_rick
    richard_rick3 years ago

    Hello guys please check out my novel titled "BIMEATHEST" and tell me what you think

  • richard_rick
    richard_rick3 years ago

    Would be expecting more of this book, it very intriguing and captivating. There is a lesson to be learnt from it. Keep up the good work. 😊

  • richard_rick
    richard_rick3 years ago

    Darkness gave birth to Light being the opposite of darkness itself. But what really formed darkness? was darkness truly in existence before the light, if we could shut our eyes we see darkness, yes. But does that mean darkness is the only thing in existence at first?, what if there's something out there that gave birth to both, what if there's something unfathomable out there that we do not know of aside from darkness and light, what if?

OMEGA II: Alpha & Omega_Rise Of The Supernaturals

In the annals of time, the clash between supernaturals brewed long before humanity's transition into their ranks, a conflict ordained by ancient forces. The battle for supremacy exacted a toll, paving the way for a fragile coexistence among humans and their ethereal brethren. Colonies and clans, torn asunder by strife, found themselves reunited beneath the banner of an uneasy peace. Yet, amidst the tranquility, whispers of a new prophecy emerged—a prophecy destined to shape the destiny of both supernaturals and ordinary mortals alike. Author's Note: Changes from Omega "In the upcoming storyline, 'Omega 2: Alpha and Omega: Rise of the Supernaturals,' we'll introduce 'The Fawich Scream,' a potent sonic technique born from the fusion of fairy and witch powers. This formidable ability, wielded by Alicia East and Sarah Lance to vanquish Azriel and Veronica, is reserved for the elite descendants of these ancient bloodlines. While staying true to the essence of the Fawich scream from its canon in 'Omega,' our sequel will imbue it with a unique flair. Furthermore, we'll now collectively refer to vampire fairies and vampire witches as 'Fawich' for clarity, retaining their inherited abilities and weaknesses. However, they'll face newfound vulnerabilities against opponents wielding combined forces or possessing exceptional strength, despite their traditional susceptibilities to sunlight or the might of the most powerful supernatural descendants." The Fawich wield a formidable power: the ability to transmute both humans and certain supernaturals into their fold, including vampires, fairies, and witches. This transformative process echoes the original essence found in vampire witches and vampire fairies, now unified under the banner of Fawich in "Omega 2: Alpha and Omega: Rise of the Supernaturals." Those subjected to this metamorphosis emerge with razor-sharp claws adorning their hands and feet, menacing fangs poised to strike, and a pallid complexion that speaks of their newfound kinship with darkness. Moreover, they sprout majestic wings reminiscent of an eagle's, yet fashioned in the eerie silhouette of bat wings, a testament to their augmented prowess and otherworldly lineage. In Omega 2: Alpha and Omega: Rise of the Supernaturals, several alterations have been made to the portrayal of supernatural blood and its effects compared to the canon story. Notably, supernatural blood now possesses a diverse array of qualities unique to each lineage. Fairies, vampires, lycanthropes, hybrids, and tribrids are endowed with remarkable healing abilities, enabling them to share their life force with others. This includes supernaturals lacking inherent healing capabilities, such as witches, shape shifters, seekers, and ordinary humans. When supernaturals with healing powers exchange blood, they can briefly augment their own abilities, though this enhancement does not extend to non-healers. Furthermore, the sequel introduces a host of new characters alongside the remaining survivors from OMEGA, promising fresh dynamics and compelling interactions within the supernatural realm. These adjustments serve to enrich the narrative and expand upon the complexities of the supernatural world portrayed in Omega, enhancing the overall storytelling experience for readers. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. Happy reading.

richard_rick · ホラー
25 Chs

ULTRA AI - (Moved to a New Link)

ULTRA ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, also known as UAI, is an adaptive technology from an unknown universe called XENDA. XENDA is a life force that exists within and outside the universe, beyond time and space itself. The people of XENDA saw that the multiverse could no longer be secured from powerful threats that endangered the multiverse itself. Pi-minus, the most intelligent being in the entire Maniverse, created a life force that exceeds the cosmos itself, which protects the multiverse from an omega destruction. The omega destruction is the end of every universe that exists within and outside the cosmos. It is the source of life, ideas, inspirations, imaginations, and everything else that exists. Every writer, artist, audience, and creator views their perspectives from this source. If it were destroyed, everything that you know of would cease to exist. In short, it is the LIFE SOURCE of the fabric of existence. There are two types of destruction: the Alpha destruction and the Omega destruction. The Alpha destruction was the first big bang that rewrote reality itself, making changes to every continuity that unbalanced existence. This affected every continuity you know of and every timeline that exists, recreating, destroying, and altering the cosmos itself. It was the yin-yang of reality. Pi-minus foresaw this coming, that the only thing that could produce an omega destruction is when the Alpha destruction is no more. Pi-minus saw the end of each world's destruction right from the 144,000 universes, and the only way he could save all existence was with the XENTORIUM CORE. A XENTORIUM CORE is the creation and birth of each universe. From the highest beings and points to the lowest beings and points, the XENTORIUM CORE holds the key to balancing the cosmos and saving all that exists. Author's note: The XENTORIUM CORE is a powerful source that is incomparable to anything else. Its capabilities are incomprehensible to most top tiers of supreme intelligence within and outside the cosmos. Not many are capable of its unique and limitless potential, which can change the fabric of existence with a mere thought of limitless capacity, be it conscious or unconscious. This book is just for fun and not meant to criticize any other works of authors. References will be made to keep the storyline consistent. This is just a fictional write-up.

richard_rick · SF
134 Chs


The plot synopsis For centuries the supernaturals had lived with the mortals, side by side they formed an alliance and sworn allegiance and drove out the darkness called the IMPERISHABLES. Dracula, father of all vampires of the immortals, sacrificed himself to bring peace at all cost. And after five hundred years of peace, there came war amongst the supernaturals. This war led to the separation of power and unit, for among them was before all. Therefore, the supernaturals were splitted into various colonies and even among their colonies and clans, absolute power still corrupts absolutely. What makes the story attractive Omega based on a whole level of fantasy and supernatural. Werewolves (Lycans), Wolves, Shape shifters, witches, fairies and vampires. If you've ever thought and had the feeling of doubt in differentiating werewolves from Lycans and wolves, Omega is the answer to that, with great and lots of actions, adventures, romance, a bit of comedy, suspense and cliffhangers. Warning: Most chapters in Omega contains depiction of violence, sexism and a bit of LGBTQ that maybe upsetting to some readers. The settings. Aougst town is the center of attraction and a fictional place and like any other fictional places that are included in this book. The main characters Emma Stone (protagonist):Age: 18. Occupation: Student and Hunter. Relation: Dracula Stone, Clair Stone and Liliana Stone. Supernatural: Omega. Appearance: Fair in complexion, blond hair and blue eyes. Bella Grace (Deuteragonist): Age: 20. Occupation: Student. Supernatural: Hybrid/half-breed (Half Vampire and Half Lycan). Appearance: Fair in complexion, blond hair and brown eyes. Dante Fowler (Tritagonist). Age: 17. Occupation: Assassin. Supernatural: Vampire. Appearance: Tall, fair in complexion, red hair and blue eyes.

richard_rick · 若者
13 Chs

BIMEATHEST (The secret of wonders)

Bimeathest is based on a biblical story that gives the full details of how the fallen angels, accursed ones and demons spent their days on earth. Demons still roam free today as do the angels who are assigned to assist the humans in overcoming the evil plot of the demons. Bimeathest is also based on past, present and future events. It's a guide and a complete realistic story of the bible that is been translated to give us an insight on how the world works. The translation of Bimeathest simply reveals itself as to what is known as "I AM THE BEAST". This novel relates to the physical world itself and what is to come at the end time. Fully translated to better prepare humanity for the second coming, for Armageddon awaits once more which will decide the fate of all life and creation that ever existed and still is. The information given in Bimeathest is a resourceful means to help better humanity as well as to prepare for what is known as the end of the world. For details given are broken down for a better understanding, and hidden messages, encrypted text or decrypted text has been deciphered. Bimeathest at its best enlightens you to another level of great knowledge and empowerment. NB: The use of sound description such as comic translation of explosion blast is added as an informative use likewise the description of the fight scene is given in details for better understanding that enables the reader to picture each and every scene that is been told.

richard_rick · 歴史
42 Chs

Fifty Years of the Nigerian Novel, 1951-2000

Over the past fifty years, the Nigerian novel has grown to more than a hundred titles. This may appear to be rather a handful, considering the relatively long stretch of time. The fact is that not many have tried their hands at the occupation, or gone beyond the first book. It probably goes to show that writing is no easy occupation. What may be more remarkable is that relatively few, out of that handful, is known by the reading public, or discussed by the critics. Of course, it is t he task of the critics to tell us which of the titles to treat as literature, and why. Therefore, part of the reason why the reading public seems to know very little beyond what had been read as part of certificate examinations in literature must be that t he critics hav e not always played their part satisfactorily. A literary work needs to be widely discussed and presented in a variety of contexts to catch the attention of the reading public. Another reason is one often mentioned, which is that the Nigeria educational n system has not been successful in training the people who pass through it in the discipline of reading. Many a secondary school educated Nigerian has been able to pass his examinations in literature by studying publications of the questionan danswer type, which are coming out all the time, and are therefore relatively inexpensive. Undoubtedly, this sort of reading matter may help to focus the minds of the young learners on the facts which they must supply in order to achieve success and to th e kinds of iss them. tasks is ues that the examiners require of However, reading for the gathering of information relevant for specific only an aspect of the training regime, and it can do real harm if it lacks the support of reading as a continuous exercis Teaching a e. t the secondary school level should aim at giving the student good quality education.

richard_rick · 都市
14 Chs

Fifty Years of the Nigerian Novel, (1951-2000)

Fifty Years of the Nigerian Novel, 1951-2000 Over the past fifty years, the Nigerian novel has grown to more than a hundred titles. This may appear to be rather a handful, considering the relatively long stretch of time. The fact is that not many have tried their hands at the occupation, or gone beyond the first book. It probably goes to show that writing is no easy occupation. What may be more remarkable is that relatively few, out of that handful, is known by the reading public, or discussed by the critics. Of course, it is t he task of the critics to tell us which of the titles to treat as literature, and why. Therefore, part of the reason why the reading public seems to know very little beyond what had been read as part of certificate examinations in literature must be that t he critics hav e not always played their part satisfactorily. A literary work needs to be widely discussed and presented in a variety of contexts to catch the attention of the reading public. Another reason is one often mentioned, which is that the Nigeria educational n system has not been successful in training the people who pass through it in the discipline of reading. Many a secondary school educated Nigerian has been able to pass his examinations in literature by studying publications of the questionan danswer type, which are coming out all the time, and are therefore relatively inexpensive. Undoubtedly, this sort of reading matter may help to focus the minds of the young learners on the facts which they must supply in order to achieve success and to th e kinds of iss them. tasks is ues that the examiners require of However, reading for the gathering of information relevant for specific only an aspect of the training regime, and it can do real harm if it lacks the support of reading as a continuous exercis Teaching a e. t the secondary school level should aim at giving the student good quality education.

richard_rick · 都市
7 Chs