I have an addiction called ark and i cant stop
super weird still klein took months until he accepted that he was zhou mingri and klein, so if the mc hasnt fully accepted his identidy it would cancel as its directly wrong then
Quite a unique novel, very good tho if youre not the gore/dark reader maybe skip as its not the best for you but otherwise 10/10 hope you dont drop it author
whats the source?
author you got any recommondations on lotm novels? Thank you in advance:)
10/10 unique novel waiting for new chapters
Nice work translator:) are you going to pick up a new book or no?
Might be wrong here but two ways to join in 1: pray to klein 2: have an item from The Celestial Worthy
Its till the same world? this rule would then be easy to cancel if amon took over his identity
raw? anybody
Translation? or did you write it author anyways good novel:)