Ghazal: Rani of the Ruins, Poet Queen
Rani, Queen of the Ruins, escapes a forced marriage to a ghoul aback her Roc, Ghazal, and becomes the Poet Queen of Lotan, the outlaw desert mythland of djinn, dakinis, phoenixes, and Ifrit.
By day, she hunts aback Ghazal the Roc with her phoenix-fletched arrows, and come evening, she sips Chai, reciting poetry for thieves, kings, and demons alike.
But soon, a strange Necromancer, smelling of honey and rot, visits the peaceful Lotan, bringing news the Ghoul King has come to claim Rani forcefully as his Bride, and bring Lotan to waste.
But that is only the beginning. And the Necromancer has an attraction all his own.
Can Rani escape this sexy, mystical web? What happens when her very soul escapes the shackles of a wounded body?
Can their be immortality for poetry, love for a Poet Queen, and a way to fight Iblis himself?
War is coming to Lotan.
And Rani must fight, or lose her one true love, and any hope of restoring peace.
Allister_Nelson · 幻想