I like reading and occasionally writing.
I believe they were encircled with mountains all around them which was a majority of the reason they lost so horribly. Not that planning for a battle where you have no escape from is a good idea to begin with lol.
At this point we cant pretend like Sunny and Nephis are innocent and rightous. If anything they are the most cunning and most cruel out of everyone in the story. No sacrifice is too big and main argument is that Song and Valor are incompetent or have strayed from the path that prioritizes humanity’s prosperity. Beyound that there is the personal grudge between Nephis and the Sovereigns. Without Sunny and Nephis seeming like a better choice to the reader I don’t think either of the sovereigns are entirely unacceptable. By the end of this story Nephis and Sunny will have piled up many time more corpses of allies and subordinates. Changing Star is the star of ruin after all.
Wtf was the ending here, absolutely waste of a good first 300 chapters. Like wtf did I just read, well 90% off is 90% off.
Cuz is crazy work
W mans
Bro she the reason your sister isnt dead and you have a place to get an education. 0 gratitude is crazy.
Bro has that school shooter mindset ☠️☠️☠️
Little do we know that these guys get kickbacks from the healers to send them more patients.