so of the 10, 8 get killed, but 3 survive since 7 bodies took all the damage, but then there's only one chasing each protagonist? is this supposed to be 8 bodies absorbed the damage so 2 survived?
Prolog isn't an alternate spelling of prologue, it's a programming language.
well yeah, that's why the dad keeps denying the squirrels adamantly (frankly it's kinda annoying to me that they keep asking after he's said no so many times)
At first I expected a lighthearted comedy, similar to BOFURI, what with the development team watching over Misaki and all. Then it developed into post-apocalypse, and it was still pretty good. However, watching 100+ chapters of Misaki's character development get thrown in the trash can in one chapter, I did not enjoy, and her new mentality is just unlikeable. I was sort of looking forward to seeing how she would slowly change thanks to the mentality adaptation thing that comes with evolution, but to have it all happen at once totally destroys any meaning that the previous character development had, and I unfortunately just do not enjoy the new Misaki. It almost feels like the author got bored of writing her and wanted to write a totally different character under the same name.
I still have trouble understanding how devs at a game studio that made a full dive MMO could be so bad at understanding how combat in MMOs works
quite early, I don't know an exact number, but check the first, say, 20 chapters and it's probably in there
particles can mean a lot of things, from subatomic particles like electrons, quarks, bosons, fermions, and leptons, to small portions of matter, like dust particles. either way, organic vs inorganic is the correct way to distinguish between them, not being made of cells or particles. everything is made of particles, without quarks interacting to form protons and neutrons and electrons joining them to make atoms, there would be no cells
you can't cheat on someone you don't have a relationship with, and the squirrel girls seem to not have boyfriends or husbands in the majority of cases, so it wouldn't be cheating or ntr for them to just continue with their normal customs
I think that should be tubers, as in potatoes. tuberculous isnt a word, and I doubt you would want to eat tuberculosis
isn't your village under attack? don't you have some higher priorities than horny? I mean, didn't you just watch one of your people get fucking vaporized?