in range B
Neeko, the League of Legends character, is considered bisexual according to the official story provided by Riot Games. In her story titled Neeko's Story (2019), the champion reveals her feelings toward both genders, establishing her orientation as bisexual in an implicit way. In a key passage from the story, Neeko says: “Neeko doesn’t know if she likes boys or girls, but she’s pretty sure she likes girls.” This quote reflects Neeko’s confusion and emotional exploration regarding her attraction to different genders, but it makes it clear that she does not have an exclusive preference for one gender. In fact, the ambiguity of her statement — "doesn’t know if she likes boys or girls" — demonstrates her openness to both, which reinforces the idea that Neeko is bisexual. While it is true that she has a tendency toward girls, it’s more due to her lack of general knowledge. Given the nature of her powers, her uncertainty about her preferences, and her dialogues, it’s most likely that she is bisexual.
¿no rasengan, no chidori?
Cat girl ≠ Cat boy
No, el no vende contenido, el contenido esta gratis. No pueden demandarte por aceptar donaciones... Siempre y cuando tu contenido este ( O lo este a corto plazo) gratis no se le puede demandar por regalías...
The story is on a good course, which is practically what arises, the MC does not have clear objectives so far, which in a way makes it a story of self-discovery, I also hope that it has a growth in its personality, over time and the experiences of course. Good job and keep it up