Bella , I love your name you are SO STRONG ,, STAND UP AND GO AND BUILD YOUR LIFE FOR TRISTAN IS NOT WORTH IT . Live GIRL FOR YOU AND YOUR BABY . TOO The Author : I'm in LOVE 💖💖💖💖💖 with this BK of yours can't wait to read More of this AWESOME BK. Thank You for Writing this bks for ALL OF US
I know what she's going through ,,,, I can feel her in pain, for my Family more or less did the same thing to me . The Author of this Book is a Wonderful Writer I can't wait to Read more of this Book .
I feel Maximum well seek out Riftan
I have been reading Your Bks. I want to keep reading Your Bks for I can't put this down . I have read bk 1 ,, 3 times been waiting for your 2nd bk , so far I LOVE IT !!! I STARTED READING UNDER THE Oak Tree , last yr finished it in 2021. I love how you look at things and then write it down I love All The people , how did you come up with all the names with out getting them mixed up . please keep writing all of us read & read your bks more then you think YOUR THE BEST AUTHOR
can you tell me when the 2nd BK will be coming out please
is there a way to buy this book it self ensted of reading it again on Kindle I'm waiting for the 2nd book does anyone know anything about it ? I Love this book so much I've read 1st bk 3times, actually 4 , One in cartoon , You are one of the best Author , please keep writing , this is Breath Taking
this is the 2nd time to read this book for I 💕💕💕💕💕💕 it, I hope your 2nd BK comes out soon At the chapter of this book was very Sad I Cried so Hard 😭😭 . but he was cruel too her and stop talking but when she left , she was hoping that he would come out to see her off but he didn't , she stayed at the ship 🚢 , on land waiting for him but he came too late He Loves Maximilian so much He knows that he messed up He will wait for Her note this has nothing to do with the bk my Gt. Grnd Father name is also Maximilian I think that's why the ending touched my HEART so much . 💕 does the Author have other books , for I would love to read them
I just started reading your book and just what I've read it's a book I've always been looking for to read . I've been reading werewolves Books since I was around 16, I got married and had kids so had to put my books aside , I'm reading again since my kid's have married , I'm reading again now and I love it please keep writing
the second BK was too come out in August . but I also heard that they set it back further I'm not sure
THIS Book was the Best BK I have ever read I couldn't wait when I got up to pick up my phone to reading more of this book Rifton & Maxamillion are going to get together again I just know it