I feel like the devil empress is going to try to use that blood to possess him
I see.. So he's ignoring logic due to his emotions, I guess nobody is perfect. After this tho, he won't be able to keep up the 'I'm a god, I'm perfect and better than everyone else' act anymore. He's being played like a fool by someone whos only special ability is lying and someone else who's only ability is a pair of wings. And he obviously doesn't trust her that much if he broke into her email and read them all. The whole things is a little frustrating to be honest. He's someone who a normal person would basically call a god and he's being toyed around with by what basically amounts to a regular person despite having all the tools necessary to find out the truth whenever he wants.
So how is it that he can detect the movements of a every blade of grass in his range but he can't tell when someone who doesn't have a quirk that let's them lie perfectly, lies right to his face? That seems like a pretty big plot hole. What's an even bigger plot hoke is why he didn't require everyone involved in the situation to submit to a scan while asking them questions. Going by what you said, all he has to do is touch and scan them to detect if anyone (except pantu) is lying. So why hasn't he done that. I'm not smart, not even close to someone like horizon, and my first thought based one what you said is force everyone who could be the spy to submit to a lie detecting test.
Yeah I know about Pantus quirk. I'm talking about hawks. He couldn't tell when hawks was blatantly lying to his face. I find that a little unbelievable given his quirk and knowledge. Are you trying to say that hawks can lie as well as someone whose quirk makes them a natural born liar?
Why would Bardi want to let anyone from that base survive? Jenny may have been 'nice' to him but she also treated him like a labrat for a year and knows everything there is to know about his biology. From the Mc perspective she is not only an enemy to get revenge on but also a huge threat to his life.
Agreed. I don't really get why he can't tell when hawks is lying to him. Why he trusts pantu with anything. He's being led around in circles by the nose and when a opportunity comes to break out of that circle he turns his head away and keeps going. All it would take for him to figure all of this out is keep his room active and follow hawks and panty around for a couple days. The author is really dragging it out.
I don't really get it either. He's not usually careless.
How is horizons quirk not picking up on hawks lying. I don't remember lie detecting being part of his quirk but he is the world's best doctor with a quirk that makes him basically omniscient within 1000 km and he can tell when a blade of grass moves anywhere within his Room. How can he not detect someone lying.
What's with the random bold lettering. It's very distracting to read when every other sentence is bold for no reason. Like reading an author who uses italics every sentence