This shyt getting worse with constant patreon shyt. Put it in author notes only for fk sake. This just spam at this point
Is he going for no chrome. Wtf the point. Shyt getting lame af real quick. Mc turning to trash now
So just combing edgrunners and 2077 because edgrunners happened in like 2075. Kinda hating how started out well and now you just copy and paste same shht as game. Lazy af
Yeah this turning shht with being g laptop and gonna lose everything when v falls.
Is this outcomes in this story or just info of what happened canon wise. Because it all this still happens wtf point of story and reading
Read luke 35 chapters and just too boring. It's not cyberpunk to me at all. Setting is but Mc ruins everything
So really pushing he can't have implants. Wtf point. Milking cyberpunk name for shyt plot it seems because no implants ruins all that is cyberpunk. Lame af
Mman how long this kid shyt gonna be dragged out. Mc is lame af and so far it's shyt story that doing nothing interesting. It's like giant ass prologue
My only thing is when in the future she shows her strength how does she explain letting all these things happen when she there.
Is this chapter out of order. Feel.like something was missed . Went fro. Fist fight to uxie having appeared with gengar and got claw